Production Service

This location is in: Norwich.

The Quadram Institute is an iconic, modern, landmark facility for bioscience, clinical research and NHS services, located on the Norwich Research Park. It houses bioscience laboratories, a clinical research facility and a regional endoscopy centre. The striking external façade was designed drawing inspiration from DNA and protein analysis, fronted by a wide terrace leading to landscaped garden area. Internally, the building is split into two wings separated by a large, bright atrium accessed by an impressive reception area. The ground floor is open to the public attending the NHS services or Clinical Research Facility, providing access to a café, as well as large meeting rooms. The atrium separates upper floors of open plan offices from scientific laboratories. Large floor-to-ceiling windows of the open-plan laboratories are designed to put the science on display. A feature staircase provides access to the floors and balconies and linking bridges provide interesting viewpoints across the atrium.